To prepare, the following list of vocabulary words should be practiced. This list will likely be updated as each of you translate your 3 favorite yoga poses. (For those that have not yet completed your profile info with favorites, please email those to me.) After you translate your poses, please share them with us in a comment (by Monday the 19th so we have plenty of time to practice them) and I will add them to the vocab list. If you think a word or phrase should be added to the list or you spot an error in translation, please leave it in the comments as well.
Lesson 1:
1. Translate your 3 favorite yoga poses and submit them in a comment to this post. They should be in the following format: French word = English translation. Example: arbre = tree
2. Practice saying the vocabulary words. Tool: Google has a translation tool you might like. The best part, it has a "listen" button.
yoga = yoga
méditation = meditation
chandelles = candlelight
nous commençons = let us begin
aller de l'avant = go ahead
tapis = mat
fermez les yeux = close your eyes
inhaler = inhale
exhaler = exhale
ouvrez vos yeux = open your eyes
aller dans... = go into...
arbre = tree
chaise torsion = chair twist
corneille = crow
(Feel free to practice your 3 poses & saying it aloud :-))
• Practice basic yoga poses & translate in French
• Learn French pronunciation
• Eat/Drink/Mingle/Review Handouts
• Practice saying your 3 favorite yoga poses in French
• Look over Yoga Sequence – any questions?
1. Meditation
2. Yoga Sequence
a. Andrew (Sun Salutations, 3 times)
b. Nina (Chaturanga, Dancer, Standing Lotus)
c. Jess (Tree, Chair Twist, Crow)
d. Aaron (Crow, Headstand, Pigeon)
1. When it’s your turn, share your 3 yoga poses (first in French, then in English).
2. Everyone repeats after you.
3. Everyone does the pose (it’s okay if you mess up with the pose and/or the French pronunciation! We’re all learning together! ☺)
• Soleil “so-lay-uh” = Sun
• Salutation “salute-tay-shion” = Salutation
• Chaturanga (no translation)
• Danseur “doan-sur” = Dancer
• Debout “duh-boo” = Standing; Lotophage “loo-two-fudge-uh” = Lotus
• Arbre “ab-bruh” = Tree
• Chaise “shez-uh” = Chair; Torsion “tuh-shon” = Twist
• Corneille “guh-huh-nay-uh” = Crow
• Corneille “guh-huh-nay-uh”= Crow
• Poirier “pwah-hee” = Headstand
• Pigeon “pee-shown” = Pigeon
yoga “you-gah” = yoga, meditation “meddy-teh-she-on” = meditation
chandelles “con-delluh” = candlelight
nous commençons “new-come-on-sone” = let us begin
aller de l'avant ‘alley-do-lev-on’ = go ahead
être assis ‘eh-tuh-see’ = be seated
tapis “the-pee” = mat
fermez les yeux ‘feh-huh-may-ee-lee-shzoo’ = close your eyes
inhaler “in-uh-lee” = inhale; exhaler “ig-zuh-lee” = exhale
ouvrez vos yeux ‘eww-vwray-vu-shuh’ = open your eyes
levons-nous ‘lay-von-new’ = let us stand
aller dans ‘on-tray-don’ = go into