Bonjour! For those that it may concern this is Aaron.
Our next French Friday is almost here! It will be held at my humble apartment. If anyone needs directions please shoot me and email or text. Here is the list of words for you all to read and enjoy. As always, I am no French expert so feel free to correct me. I hope to see you all there for some fun cooking and language learning. We will be preparing a simple but wonderful traditional French dish, Ratatouille. I'll also have some salad and perhaps a bottle or two of wine. It is a French Friday after all.
Please bring yourselves and a five to pitch in for the food. Also, if you could please rsvp by text or email, I am very good at both, by Tuesday so I can purchase the food and beverages.
Finally, here it is. The next list! Thank you all and keep on being your cool selfs.
And if you think we are missing key words please add them in the comments.
Ingredients = ingrédients
Olive Oil = huile d’olive
Onion = oignons
Garlic Cloves = gousses d’ail
Eggplant = aubergines
zucchini = zucchini
Salt & Pepper = sel et poivre
Red Bell Peppers = poivrons rouges
Tomatoes = tomates
Thyme = thym
Fresh Basil = basilic frais
salad = salade
vinaigrette = vinaigrette
Directions = instructions
Chopped = hacher
chop this = hacher cette
minced = hacher
peeled = pelées
peel this = peler cette
cut this into strips = couper ce en bandes
cut this = couper cette
remove seeds = enlever les graines
heat = chaleur
medium = moyen
simmer = mitonner
boil = bouillir
Stir this until it gets soft = remuer jusqu'à ce que ça devient douce
Add = ajouter
Measurements = mesures
1/3 = un tiers
3/4 = trois quarts
Teaspoon = cuillère à café
One = une
two = deux
three = trois
four = quatre
five = cinq
hour = heure
minutes = ?
Table Manners = les manières de table
please sit = se il vous plaît asseoir
pass = passer
Thank you = merci
please = se il vous plait
you’re welcome = de rein
Small talk = les banalités
How was your day? = comment était ta journée
very good, thank you. = très bon merci